Designed in Collaboration with a world leading bank in Australia, this experiences is based of a real life scenario that happened to an employee of the bank in their personal life. While trying to sign up to a gym member program with their partner, was met with harsh discrimination having wide spreading negative effects for the brand. This program is designed to share that experience with colleagues for two purposes
To understanding the feeling of discrimination
Practicing proactive behaviour expected from team.
This is a three-part VR blended learning course exploring Unconscious Bias, Inclusion, Microagressions and Intersectionality.
Everyday Inclusion has been co-designed with Diversity and Inclusion experts at an Ivy League University.
The VR interactive experiences give you a first-hand experience of bias. They also include wrap-around learning material on unconscious bias and inclusion as well as additional resources for self-directed learning.
In this experience you will step into the shoes of Tamara, the new hire.
Step into the shoes of Jack. You are attempting to sign up to a gym with your partner Pierre under the partner membership deal that is currently running. You are about to experience discrimination based on your sexual orientation in a customer service situation.
Explore what it feels like to be discriminated and made to feel as though you don’t belong by a customer service agent. How does it feel when you are dismissed and refused membership?
Where traditional e-learning is not engaging and has proven ineffective at building empathy and changing perspectives, we use Virtual Reality training, to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” and understand what it feels like to experience discrimination first hand.
As a result 99.2% of 161 participants understood and felt what it was like to be treated disrespectfully.
Step into the shoes of Freddy. Freddy is a customer service representative for Fitness Front. When faced with a colleague discriminating against a customer, Freddy must make a choice on how to respond.
Practice what you would do when a colleague discriminates against a customer. How would you respond?
Addressing a $1 Billion settlement, a world leading bank set out on a mission to empower employees to take personal responsibility, to question, and to act when they see something that doesn’t seem right.
This VR training simulation based on a real lived experience of an employee, allowing you to make value-based decisions and practice taking action in the moment.
As a result we saw Action and Know-how
ACTION – 96% felt prepared to act if they were to see this behavior in the workplace.
KNOW-HOW – Over 99% understand the reporting options available to them.